Quoting saclug(a)garymcglinn.com (saclug(a)garymcglinn.com):
Gparted worked pretty well. I like to use good old
standard partitions,
so of course Windows uses 4 primaries. I deleted the recovery partition
and resized the main Windows partition and had a decent amount of space.
Why not move _Windows_ into a VM? Or just make an archive copy of the
preload and blow it away, if you have no immediate use for it. Either
way, it seems a waste of good hardware to let Microsoft be the host OS.
It is interesting though that the Linux world is
mostly Debian for the
'home' user and more Fedora for the more enterprise folks.
Dude, no. Enterprise computing doesn't use Fedora. It's way too beta
and with too short a life cycle. In former days, enterprise computing
mostly used CentOS. I'm a little out of the loop, but would guess
they've predominantly moved on to its successor in spirit, Rocky Linux.