I bought some ESP8266's a while back and was going to look into programing them to be
part of a WiFi home automation network. I never really got started. Then I saw an
article on Matter and was wondering if I could piggy back on it to build the devices.
Thanks for all the info. I'm not sure when I'll get to pick this project back up.
I'm using X-10. Really old stuff, I know. But, when I started, it was pretty new :).
It still works pretty well for lights and heating/cooling. Which is really all I need.
But I do get "ghost" signals that turn on my front porch light at random
I also have an rPi I'm working on to do speach recognition/sphinx3 and
espeak/festival. I had it basically working, but without performing any actions, just
translating to text and then I got busy with other things and its backslided.
I basically don't buy into the IoT model and am not comfortable with google et. al.
listening to me and my girlfriend in front of the fire place in the evening. When we visit
interesting sites, we alway use my phone so she doesn't get hammered with the
resulting ads and I don't need more of that in my life. My phone already feeds me
videos based on things I've viewed on my desktop. It really sucks IMHO, but what are
you going to do.
On Fri, Mar 04, 2022 at 05:43:39PM -0800, Shu-Wai Chow wrote:
Matter is a Zigbee evolution, and Zigbee is basically
because Apple, Google, et. al were late to the home automation game, saw that Z-Wave was
already there, but didn’t want to pay licenses for Z-Wave. So in typical big tech
fashion, Apple did their own thing in Homekit, Amazon and Google implemented a mix of
Zigbee and Z-wave poorly and without the slickness of Apple. Matter is them saying, “ok,
we can’t topple Z-Wave, so let’s finally work together.”
Matter will probably matter and reign supreme in a few years, but I for now, Z-Wave is
still the safest bet in a mess of an environment.
I currently run a Z-Wave automated home using a Hubitat controller. It mostly works, but
the main problem with Z-Wave is that most devices are either junk or poorly implement the
interface. Your mileage will vary.
On Mar 4, 2022, at 9:06 AM, Gary
<saclug(a)garymcglinn.com> wrote:
I play around with home automation a little. Not that I have that much to automate.
Recently I've come across some kind of new standard that a bunch of the big boys are
supporting called Matter. The documentation is a little sparse, and it looks like
I'll have to download the source and build it to find anything out. I'm wondering
about the hardware side. It seems like it is just anything with a WiFi radio that can run
the right code, but I'm still exploring.
Has anyone played with this?
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