I looked into this a while back. I see you found the same crazy French project.
Unfortunately, I'm travelling out of town and just checking email now.
How did it go?
On Tue, Feb 18, 2025 at 12:20:16PM -0800, Sen Hastings wrote:
Hey everyone, as I threatened/promised to a couple of
meetings ago, I will
be *attempting* a live stream of Diego's Clojure talk on PeerTube. for those
of you unaware, PeerTube is a free software federated video platform
developed by framasoft, a french non-profit. Think YouTube, but federated
(standalone platforms that can syndicate each-others content).
I have created a "sac-lug live" channel on gnulinux.tube, a PeerTube
instance run by the fine folks at Haack's Networking:
The talk (and all other future SL2 lives, hopefully) will be live at:
A livechat will be enabled and does not require an acct to use.
This is all a bit of an experiment/trial of some live streaming/recording
infrastructure I am developing for FLOSS conferences, which is an embedded
linux distro based off of my VidOS project:
Thx everyone and I hope to see you all there!
PS: Diego, please let me know what you would like the talk to be titled/
what licence you want the talk to be under (creative commons, public domain
On 2/13/25 11:12, Brian E. Lavender wrote:
Don't forget the next SacLUG meeting at the
Bel Aire market on Arden!
Diego will talk about Clojure! I am looking forward to it!
Meeting starts at 6pm.
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