So, as a longtime Mailman2 site-admin, I've been poking around Brian's
Mailman3 installation, getting to know it better. Mailman3 was a
from-scratch rewrite. Among other things, the familiar "pipermail"
archiver (in Python 2.7.x) has been replaced with "hyperkitty" in
Python 3, and the familiar "listinfo" Web interface for subscribers and
site-admins has been replaced by "postorius".
Those of us still running Mailman2 (see for comparsion ) have a near-term
problem, because Python 2.7.x is now dead, dead, dead, and therefore
so is pre 3.x Mailman. OTOH, Mailman3 has been controversial for
reasons I don't want to get deep into, to the point that some site
admins are looking at ways to move sideways to other MLMs (mailing list
The postorius page for lug-nuts is here:
The archives ("hyperkitty") page is here:
(As with Mailman2, those two pages cross-link to each other.)
Point 1: Brian, maybe you should add one of those URLs (maybe the
postorius one) to the standard footer applied to postings by Mailman.
IMO, that was a very useful default feature of Mailman2. Anticipating
the objection: Yes, that information is provided in a MLM-added
header in all postings, which anyone who shows full headers can see.
That's in fact how I found those two pages. However, IMO, it's really
handy to have one in the footer, where _non_-technical people might
notice it. (Like, I'll bet that maybe two other people reading this
comment were aware of those normally-hidden headers.)
Point 2: On the postorius page, I notice there's no link for
subscribers to view the membership roster, as there was on the
corresponding Mailman2 listinfo page. Brian, is that public-facing
feature just totally gone? Is there a way to switch it back on?
IMO, there are multiple good reasons why, for most mailing lists, the
subscribers should have access to view the subscriber roster. Among
them is continuity: It makes a mailing list easier to re-host if
any of a variety of bad things happen. (Like, sadly, we're all mortal.)
Point 3: On a hunch that the "Subscription/Unsubscription" link
on the postorius page gives access to subscription options, as it did on
the Mailman2 listinfo page, I tried that "Log in" button, taking me to…
That page has "Username or e-maiL" and "Password" fields, and also a
"Forgot Password?" link. Attempting my subscriber e-mail address and
what I _historically_ used as my subscription password, I got
"The e-mail address and/or password you specified are not correct."
OK, fair enough. Quite probably, Brian let Mailman3 generate random
subscriber passwords when he re-hosted the mailing list. So, I go back to…
, and attempt "forgot Password?", which goes to , where you can
re-enter your e-mail address and hit the "Reset My Password" button.
When I do that, I see "The e-mail address is not assigned to any user
account" -- and cannot do subscriber-password reset.
So, Brian, although I'm self-evidently subscribed, Mailman3 claims I'm
not when I ask to reset my password. Stalemate. Something is broken.
Point 4: On the
archives page, _yesterday_ when I tried to drill down to individual
archived threads and postings, I got HTTP errors. I was just now
rechecking, in order to cite specifics, and _now_ all those links appear
to work.
So, I guess there's no reproducible bug to investigate, but I swear I
wasn't hallucinating. ;-> If I had to guess, I think there were
glitches in hyperkitty's back-end database at the time. Be advised.
Point 5: Any chance you can get the pre-Feb. 28, 2022 mailing list
archive from Roberto Leibman, and import it into the Mailman3 history?
I'm sure hyperkitty has the facility to read in the mbox file from a
Mailman2 mailing list, as part of the migration/upgrade facilities.