Hi Gary,
I did a quick package search and found about a dozen
window managers. Two that
mentioned tiling explicitly in the short description are:
I think both twm and jwm support tiling. I haven't
used either in quite some
time. These are very very simple wm's
I have lists of window managers, and I
have even tried two fairly highly rated -- i3 and xmonad. I'm here to tell you, I
couldn't get either one to do a damn thing! This is, obviously, not a criticism of the
window managers. I'm looking for some brief instruction.
I don't have any experience with the two the
package search turned up.
Well, that would be helpful, if you had it.
Thanks for the help,
A: Because we read from top to bottom, left to right.
Q: > Why should I start my reply below the quoted text?