Any thoughts on the Pale Moon web browser?
I was looking around on Honda's web site and they complained about my web browser
being out of date. On that VM, its Firefox 84. I clicked on "learn more"
hoping that Honda would tell me exactly why they wanted me to upgrade. It's not a
bank, after all, and they offered me browser options.
Admittedly, I live under a rock. But, I had never heard of Pale Moon. I went to their
home page and am going to give it a try.
I resist browser upgardes because they often change the layout, for no apparent reason.
And, the new "features" are often things I don't like. Such as storing a
bunch on info on my browser so they don't have to (which I suspect may be Honda's
motive). So, if I was going to have to deal with I new layout anyhow, I decided to go for
broke and try something actually new.
Security? Its a Honda site. Unless they want me to protect against malware from them, I
don't get it.