Hi Folks,
This should be easy ... And I'm sure I've done it before.
But either Fedora has changed or I have, and I'm not
committing either way. (-:
I have a script to bounce the web-server and php-fpm with
systemd and I'd like to be able to do this without "sudo" or a
terminal tab permanently logged on as root. Seems like I
should be able to set the script "setuid" and anybody should
be able to run it. I can't seem to make it work.
In the alternative, it seems like I should be able to
delegate certain services to user control with systemd, like
"systemctrl restart httpd", but the discussions I've found on
that are hideously complex, and I'm not really interested in
going down any of those rabbit holes. It can't be this
difficult ... I mean, wasn't this one of the original
justification for systemd?