OK. They have a cookie. I'm not at their site, they can't read it. They can't read other sites cookies either. That's the spec.I have to go to their site or use an associated site, to pick up the pixel. I didn't do that.There is no magic.:)Regardless of all that tracking, how would they know my query/request?To me, the only reasonable answer is that Google and Facebook share info behind the scenes, i.e. directly.As I understand it, a tracking pixel works because it is on the page you visit. It comes from, .let's say, Facebook's server, and they know the page that requested it. And they can get the info in the request header. To know who you are, whoever wrote the page has to have known who you are and encoded that in the pixlel somehow, maybe through it's name, or some other attribute.I haven't really been following a lot of the changes that have been made to store more information in caches on browsers. I'm wondering if there is something going on there. I really don't like the fact that browsers have taken this direction.Perhaps I need to look at those specs and see what is going on.On Wed, Feb 12, 2025 at 09:10:47PM -0800, Diego R. Martinez wrote:Facebook tends to have cookies in your browser and advertising pixels thatbasically track everything you do.And the thing about it is that, once you're in their system, you will gettracked for life. So that probably explains that...On Wed, Feb 12, 2025 at 8:56 PM <saclug@garymcglinn.com> wrote:I know that there are a lot of ways to have your online activity tracked.And, I thought I understood many or most of them.But, I tried out Gemini with the request, "write a two page article onStoicism." The results were interesting and pretty good and give me anidea of what Gemini can do.A week, or less later, yesterday, I get an email from Facebook suggestingthat I join the "Daily Stoicism" group.WTF. I never use Facebook and basically ignore their reminders on how manynotifications or messages I have.AFAIK, there is no legal way Facebook should know what I am doing withGoogle, unless Google is providing them the information on a back channel.Am I missing something? Everything I know suggest that I would have hadto visit a Facebook site sometime between my Gemini request and my receiptof an email from Facebook. Or possibly have visited a Facebook site beforemy Gemini request and not have directly entered a URL or used a bookmark inthe interim. AFAIK, those things didn't happen._______________________________________________Lug-nuts mailing list -- lug-nuts@bigbrie.comTo unsubscribe send an email to lug-nuts-leave@bigbrie.com_______________________________________________Lug-nuts mailing list -- lug-nuts@bigbrie.comTo unsubscribe send an email to lug-nuts-leave@bigbrie.com